Banking & Finance, Capital Markets

There are many challenges for players in the capital markets. The capital markets regulations tend to become more and more complex, and still more importance is attached to soft law and recommendations on corporate governance.

The modern share market is characterized by an increased globalization and complexity and two similar tasks are rarely identical. In addition disclosure requirements and the rules on prospects and offerings on securities are becoming increasingly technical.

Durukan’s Capital Markets Team has broad knowledge and significant experience in the regulatory system. For each individual assignment we put together a team with exact, joined, expert knowledge. At the same time we see that our clients receive finest case handling. We render services to capital markets companies and intermediaries regarding public offerings and other debt securities, providing legal assistance under regulatory applications to the Capital Market Board and Istanbul Stock Exchange and other necessary institutions for the sale of foreign funds, share certificates and other debt securities in Turkey.

Major Amendment Of Concordat Mechanism In Turkey

According to Article 4 of Decree numbered 669 and dated 31 July 2016, postponement of bankruptcy has been revoked from Turkish legislation as a matter consisted under state of emergency...

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