Dispute Resolution

Business involves taking risks. Your choice of dispute resolution attorneys should not be risky.

With over 50 years of experience, our highly experienced our Dispute Resolution Team functions unrivalled. We bring to each case focus, imagination and efficiency derived only from having tried cases to end. Our Firm has been actively growing and acquiring the talent necessary to take each case all the way to a verdict and to successfully represent our clients.

Every dispute is important to its clients, whether it is a “bet-the-company” case or one that may have little financial impact but otherwise validates the client’s principles. We represent a variety of business clients, from large corporations to start-ups across many industries. Our attorneys take pride in their willingness and ability to take any dispute to trial or arbitration and to give reliable advice about whether the client should seek an alternative resolution to any dispute.

We provide counsel on a range of business disputes and commercial litigation with a particular strength in our areas of focus, financial services, energy, real estate, trade secrets, securities, employment, and insurance litigation.

We are aware that the best result is not always a judgment and are adept at developing creative and pre-emptive solutions to our clients’ problems. We manage internal corporate investigations, government mandated investigations and assist board committees to identify problems and ensure compliance before litigation ensues.

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Giriş Başta hammadde ve ara malları olmak üzere üretim maliyetlerinin kahir ekseriyetle dövize endeksli olduğu ülkemizde döviz kurlarındaki dalgalanmalar, ekonomimizde dolarizasyon ve sonrasında da yüksek faiz ortamını yarattı. Döviz dalgalanmasından...

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Zorunlu arabuluculuk ilk oturumuna mazeretsiz katılım sağlanmaması hali hakkında AYM Kararı

1. GİRİŞ Anayasa Mahkemesi tarafından 6325 sayılı Hukuk Uyuşmazlıklarında Arabuluculuk Kanunu’na 06/12/2018 tarihli ve 7155 sayılı Kanun’un 23. Maddesiyle eklenen 18/A maddesinin (11) numaralı fıkrasının, Anayasa’nın 13., 35. ve 36....

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Servis aracını beklediği sırada ayva keserken yaralanan işçinin uğradığı kazanın iş kazası olduğuna dair Yargıtay Kararı Hk

1. GİRİŞ Yargıtay, işçilerin işyeri sınırları içerisinde uğramış olduğu kazalarda, kazanın salt olarak yapılan işle ilgili olması şartının aranmayacağına hükmetmiştir 2. KARARA İLİŞKİN Davacı vekili dava dilekçesinde özetle müvekkilinin yaşamış...

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Most Efficient Ways To Handle Insurance Claims: Litigation & Arbitration Vs. Mediation

No doubt that efficient claim handling plays vital role for insurance carriers to maintain customer satisfaction and add continuous growth to their portfolios. In this respect, there is a number...

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17.09.2020 Tarihli 2016/13010 Başvuru Numaralı Anayasa Mahkemesi Kararı Hk.

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The impact of Covid-19 on the insurance sector from a Turkish law perspective

Covid-19-related legislative measures in Turkey Two major laws have been published by the Turkish parliament to control the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic. They are the Omnibus (Law No 7226)...

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5684 sayılı Sigortacılık Kanunu’nun (“Kanun”) 30. maddesi ile kurulan Sigorta Tahkim Komisyonu (“Tahkim”) nezdinde faaliyet gösteren İtiraz Hakem Heyeti kararlarına karşı başvurulacak kanun yolu, Yargıtay İçtihadı Birleştirme Hukuk Genel Kurulu’nun...

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Major Amendment Of Concordat Mechanism In Turkey

According to Article 4 of Decree numbered 669 and dated 31 July 2016, postponement of bankruptcy has been revoked from Turkish legislation as a matter consisted under state of emergency...

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