Financial Restructuring

Durukan has a very experienced financial restructuring team, which includes seasoned litigators, accomplished negotiators, and creative attorneys. Our level and depth of experience make us capable of meeting virtually any restructuring needs that a company or lending institution may have.

Durukan’s Financial Restructuring Team possesses both the transactional and litigation experience necessary to represent a wide array of clients effectively. We have experience in navigating the ever-shifting alliances among various creditor constituencies ranging from first day cash collateral disputes to plan negotiations. Our extensive representation of financial institutions makes us particularly well suited to document and negotiate debtor in possession and exit financing facilities.

We frequently assist buyers at bankruptcy auctions, parties facing assumption or rejection of leases in bankruptcy, trade creditors asserting reclamation claims or defending actions, and other creditors who are simply trying to understand the ramifications of a bankruptcy filing. In addition, we periodically serve as counsel to debtors and unsecured creditor committees.